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Dr Shameer Mehta, Gastro-enterology, General (internal) medicineDr Anjali Mahto, DermatologyDr Steven Mann, Gastro-enterology, General (internal) medicineMiss Fiona MacNeill, Breast surgery, General surgeryMr Timothy Mould, Gynaecology, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Ahmed Massoud, PaediatricsMiss Claire Mellon, Obstetrics & gynaecologyMr Vibhash Mishra, UrologyMr Francesc Malagelada, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Suks Minhas, UrologyDr Kartik Modha, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Steven Millington, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Ravi Modha, Chiropodist / PodiatristProf. Kefah Mokbel, Breast surgery, General surgeryMr Haroon Mann, Orthopaedic surgeryMs Eleni Mavrides, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Rapti Mediwake, RheumatologyDr Dominic Mort, NeurologyDr Sara McCartney, General (internal) medicineProf. Philip MacCarthy, CardiologyDr Hadi Manji, NeurologyMr Simon Marsh, General surgeryMr Hasan Mukhtar, General surgeryMr Faiz Mumtaz, UrologyDr James Mackay, OncologyDr Richard Marley, Gastro-enterology, General (internal) medicine, HepatologyMr Nimalan Maruthainar, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Lorenzo Masci, Sport & exercise medicineMs Caroline Moore, UrologyDr Stephen Motto, Sport & exercise medicineDr Iqbal Malik, CardiologyMr Ian McDermott, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Barbara McGowan, Endocrinology & diabetes mellitus, General (internal) medicineMr Angus McIndoe, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Adam Mitchell, RadiologyMiss Pari Naz Mohanna, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryMr Sean Molloy, Orthopaedic surgery, Spinal surgeryDr Nilesh Morar, DermatologyMr Aruna Munasinghe, General surgery, Upper GI surgeryMr Barry Maraj, UrologyMr Peter Mason, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Mary McCormack, OncologyDr Prince Modayil, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Miss Sarah Muirhead-Allwood, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Elia Maalouf, PaediatricsDr Vishal Madan, DermatologyMr Rohit Madhav, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Pamela Mangat, RheumatologyDr Sohail Mansoor, DermatologyDr Robert Marsden, DermatologyMr Suraj Philip Mathew, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Susan Mayou, DermatologyMr Ali Mearza, OphthalmologyDr John Meenan, Gastro-enterologyDr Ghada Mikhail, Cardiology, General (internal) medicineMr Jonathan Miles, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Anita Mitra, OncologyMr Ram Moorthy, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Mr Krishna Moorthy, General surgery, Hepato-biliary surgery, Upper GI surgeryMr Gordon Muir, UrologyDr Francis Murgatroyd, CardiologyMr Feilim Murphy, Paediatric surgery, PaediatricsProf. Charles Mackworth-Young, RheumatologyDr Nick Maisey, OncologyDr Andrea Malaspina, NeurologyMr Arfan Malhi, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Karan Malhotra, Orthopaedic surgeryMiss Shazia Malik, Obstetrics & gynaecologyMr Ahmad Malik, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Farooq Maniyar, NeurologyMr Bhupinder Mann, Orthopaedic surgeryMiss Branka Marjanovic, OphthalmologyDr Vias Markides, CardiologyDr Claire Martyn-Simmons, DermatologyDr Rajat Mathur, General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicineDr Francis Matthey, HaematologyMr Basim Matti, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryDr Joel Mawdsley, Gastro-enterology, General (internal) medicineMs Ellie McKay, PhysiotherapistDr Alison McLean, RadiologyDr Alistair McNair, Gastro-enterologyDr Christopher McNamara, HaematologyDr Michael McPhillips, PsychiatryDr Rina Mehrotra, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Michael Mendall, Gastro-enterologyDr Ruheena Mendes, OncologyMr Dean Michael, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Michael Michell, RadiologyMiss Sarah Mills, General surgeryDr Vijay Peter Ellis Misra, NeurophysiologyDr Gayatri Mittal, RheumatologyMr Reza Mobasheri, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Faheez Mohamed, Colorectal surgery, General surgeryMr Aslam Mohammed, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Randeep Mohil, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Stephen Morris, OncologyProf. Ash Mosahebi, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryMr Asif Muneer, UrologyDr Neil Murray, PaediatricsMr David Murray, General surgeryDr Paul M Crowe, RadiologyMr Benjamin Macdonald, PhysiotherapistDr Peter MacFarlane, General Practitioner (GP)Dr Brian MacGreevy, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Michael Machesney, General surgeryDr Damien Mack, Medical microbiology & virologyMr Alastair MacKenzie Ross, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryProf. Stephen Mackinnon, HaematologyDr Jody Maclachlan, RadiologyDr Gillian Macleod, Occupational medicineDr Kenneth MacLeod, AnaestheticsMr Anthony MacQuillan, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryMiss Kathryn Madden, PhysiotherapistMiss Krupa Madhvani, Gynaecology, Obstetrics & gynaecologyMr Ahmed Magan, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Premini Mahendra, HaematologyDr Taher Mahmud, RheumatologyMr Tahir Mahmud, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Fathima Mahomed, PaediatricsDr Arti Mahto, RheumatologyDr Rita Maia, General Practitioner (GP)Dr Faisal Majid, RadiologyDr Ian Mak, NeurophysiologyDr Soo Mak, RadiologyMr Matthew Makin, Palliative medicineMr Daoud Makki, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Sachin Malde, UrologyDr Aneil Malhotra, CardiologyMr Irfan Malik, NeurosurgeryMr Nabeel Malik, OphthalmologyDr Nikesh Malik, CardiologyDr Claire Mallinson, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Raj Mallipeddi, DermatologyMr Amar Manandhar, UrologyMr Navin Mani, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Mr Joseph Manjaly, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Dr Kshitij Mankad, RadiologyDr Sheena Mankodi, Gastro-enterologyDr Imran Mannan, General (internal) medicine, GeriatricsDr Was Mansoor, OncologyDr Ari Manuel, General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicineMr Andrea Marando, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryMs Eleni Maratos, NeurosurgeryDr Warwick Marchant, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Andrew Markey, DermatologyDr R J Marks, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Marcus Marquardt, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Alastair Marsh, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Howard Marshall, CardiologyDr Stuart Marshall, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineMr James Martin, PhysiotherapistDr Anna Martinez, DermatologyDr Isabel Martinez-Falero, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Ravi Marudanayagam, General surgery, Hepato-biliary surgeryMr Lawrence Mascarenhas, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Miranda Mason, PhysiotherapistDr Damon Mason, PsychologistMr Matteo Massanova, UrologyMr Samir Massoud, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Nicolas Masucci, Chiropodist / PodiatristDr Bernard Masuku, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Anthony Mathur, CardiologyDr Palmira Mathurdas, General (internal) medicineDr Rubeta Matin, DermatologyMiss Sara Matthews, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Alan Mayers, Occupational medicineDr Stuart McCorkell, AnaestheticsMiss Moira McCormack, PhysiotherapistDr Ian McCurdie, Rehabilitation medicine, Sport & exercise medicineMr Bryan McDonald, DermatologyDr Sarah McDonald, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Norma McDonnell, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Jane Mcgregor, DermatologyProf. Mark McGurk, Oral & Maxillo-facial surgeryMr Edward Mckintosh, NeurosurgeryDr Donal McLornan, HaematologyMiss Sarah McMahon, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Sheena Mcrae, General Practitioner (GP)Dr Sara Meade, OncologyDr Chris Meadows, Anaesthetics, Intensive care medicine, Pain medicineMr Gautam Mehra, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Varun Mehra, HaematologyDr Sanjay Mehta, General Practitioner (GP)Dr Jinesh Mehta, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Nishchay Mehta, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Dr Jideofor Menakaya, PaediatricsDr Lia Menasce, Histopathology, PathologyDr Joseph Mercer, RadiologyDr Muriel Meso, Endocrinology & diabetes mellitus, PaediatricsMr Ashraf Messiha, Oral & Maxillo-facial surgeryMr Stephen Metcalfe, NeurosurgeryDr Vinod Metta, NeurologyMr Guido Michielon, Cardiothoracic surgery Dr Maddalena Miele, Obstetrics & gynaecology, PsychiatryDr George Mikhaeel, OncologyDr Sherine Mikhail, PsychiatryDr Zoka Milan, AnaestheticsDr Andrew Millar, Gastro-enterology, General (internal) medicineDr Rowan Miller, OncologyProf. Roslyn Miller, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Philippa Mills, RadiologyMs Yasmin Milne, PhysiotherapistMr Vasileios Minas, Obstetrics & gynaecologyMiss Annamaria Minicozzi, General surgeryMiss Natasha Mir, DieticianProf. Ben Miranda, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryMr Reza Mirnezami, Colorectal surgeryMr Danilo Miskovic, Colorectal surgery, General surgeryMr Tariq Miskry, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Vivek Misra, OncologyMr Surajit Mitra, Obstetrics & gynaecologyMiss Monica Mittal, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Jacques Mizan, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Vaibhav Modgil, UrologyDr Bhavik Modi, CardiologyMr Said Mohamed, General surgeryMr Abdul Mohamed Kasem, Breast surgeryDr Ali Mohammed, General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicineMr Amar Mohee, UrologyDr Ramia Mokbel, DermatologyMr Aziz Momin, Cardiothoracic surgery Mr Puneet Monga, Orthopaedic surgeryMr Peter Monksfield, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Ms Neda Montazeri, PsychiatryDr Estela Monteiro, General Practitioner (GP)Dr Ana Montes Borinaga, General (internal) medicineDr Shabbir Moochhala, Renal medicineDr Mufaddal Moonim, PathologyMs Julie Moore, PhysiotherapistDr Tanya Moraites, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Javier Moraleda Deleito, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Dr Sarka Moravcova, AnaestheticsDr Richard Morey, Anaesthetics, Pain medicineDr Gareth Morgan, Immunology, PaediatricsDr Daniel Morganstein, Endocrinology & diabetes mellitusDr Jaymin Morjaria, Respiratory medicineDr Susie Morris, DermatologyMr Onsy Morris, Obstetrics & gynaecologyDr Rachael Morris-Jones, DermatologyMr Gavin A J Morrison, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)Mr Danny Morrison, OphthalmologyMr Dimitrios Moschonas, UrologyDr Eleanor Moskovic, RadiologyMr David Mowatt, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryDr Naveen Mudalagiri, CardiologyMiss Maleeha Mughal, Plastic & reconstructive surgeryDr Bhashkar Mukherjee, General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicineDr Nicola Mulholland, RadiologyDr Paul Mulholland, OncologyDr Saifee Mullamitha, OncologyDr Damian Mullan, RadiologyDr Vinod Mullassery, OncologyDr Michael Mullen, Cardiology, General (internal) medicineProf. Anthony Mundy, UrologyDr Shahzad Munir, CardiologyDr Graham Munneke, RadiologyDr Laura Munoz, General Practitioner (GP)Prof. Paolo Muraro, NeurologyMr Jamie Murphy, General surgeryMr John Murphy, Breast surgery, General surgeryMr David Murray, Orthopaedic surgeryDr Vidhya Murthy, HaematologyDr Ulrike Muschaweck, General surgeryDr Majid Mushtaq, General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicineMr Nagarajan Muthialu, Cardiothoracic surgery Dr Thillainayagam Muthukumar, RadiologyDr Amal Muthumala, CardiologyMr David Muthuveloe, UrologyDr David Myers, General Practitioner (GP)Mr Chris Myers, PhysiotherapistDr Evangelia Myriokefalitaki, Gynaecology
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